Communication strategies used in electoral campaigning through social media networks: a study on the 2014 Egyptian elections

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor- Ain Shams university

2 Assistant Professor – Ahram Canadian university


The study aims to answer a main question which is, what are the most important communication strategies used in Election campaigns on the pages of both Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Hamdeen Sabahi, candidates for the Egyptian presidential race for the year 2014 on Facebook?  And what is its impact on their electoral decision-making? And this study employs the descriptive methods to diagnose relationships between variables. In which it depended on the survey as a tool for collecting data of the field study and content analysis for both social media pages of both candidates. Besides that the paper harnesses the theoretical background of media system dependency theory. The main results concluded by this study are: The most used strategy on the Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s Facebook page, is the mobilization strategy, in which voters who support Sisi's team are mobilized for certain events on Facebook. While concerning Hamden sabbahy’s page, the most used strategies on the page was the promotion of other activities, in which the activities, events and other means used in the framework of the campaign are declared.
