Elite attitudes towards the impact of social networking sites On the Egyptian National Security:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor. - Faculty of Arts – Damietta university


The study aims at identifying the elite's attitudes towards the impact of the news content circulating on social media pages (Facebook Twitter and YouTube) on the Egyptian national security in the area (social, political, intellectual, military, and economic) by applying to a deliberate sample of the academic, security, and political elite users of Social networking sites.  The paper harnesses the theoretical background of “Relying on the media” and the study employs survey method. The main results concluded by the pattern of permanent follow-up prevailed over the pattern of elite’s follow-up on social media. And that the highest browsing rate for those sites did not more than an hour and increased follow-up in case of emergency events and crises. And it also proved that there is high numbers of elite who trust in the news and information published on social networking sites, besides the increase in the rate of social media participation in raising the level of security culture for individuals
