Culture of privacy through social networking sites Between the advantages and risks of self-disclosure:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor. - Radio & TV department-Faculty of mass communication – Cairo university


The study aims at identifying the Egyptian attitude towards the behavior of preserving privacy versus the behavior of self-disclosure through the social networking site (Facebook).  The current study relied on twelve variables measurement which were tested by dividing each variable into a set of expressions designed to ensure the validity of the scale. And the five-point Likert scale was used to identify the respondents' attitudes towards different expressions used in the measurement. Study data were collected through a specially prepared questionnaire in line with the study topic and its objectives. The main results concluded the rejection of the main hypothesis of the study which was the higher the level of perceived risk that individuals have as a result of revealing their information on Facebook, the less frequently they will disclose themselves through the site itself. The results of the study also demonstrated the lack of actual employment of privacy procedures by many Facebook users.
