The credibility of the websites of European channels directed in the Arabic language with the Egyptian public

Document Type : Original Article


Media Department, Faculty of Arts - Minia University


Websites of foreign channels directed in the Arabic language have raised many problems about how they can exercise their media role in covering various events, the extent of their credibility in the persuasion process, the criteria that make up that credibility, and the variables that affect the public's belief and confidence in these sites.  If the credibility of the media is a professional issue related to media ethics, then interest in it increases in times of crisis, as the media often adopts certain methods and practices that differ from what they do in normal times, which made its credibility the subject of evaluation and discussion. In light of the above, the problem of the study is determined in an attempt to identify the credibility of the websites of European channels directed in the Arabic language (BBC Arabic website - Deutsche Welle website - Germany Today - France 24 Hours - Euronews Arabia) with the Egyptian public in its media coverage of terrorist operations to organize ISIS, in terms of the extent to which these sites adhere to standards that achieve credibility, the extent of the public's reliance on them as sources of information on ISIS terrorist operations, the motives for this dependence and the resulting effects, and monitoring the variables that affect the public's belief and confidence in these sites.
