The role of the international Arab press in managing the cultural conflict

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism Department at the Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


Critical international media studies have emphasized the effect of selection, highlighting and exclusion factors as processes carried out by various media outlets within the framework of editorial policies and ideological considerations that govern them and make them a biased tool that does not help to create international communication and interaction, but rather as a means to assert the superiority of a culture over a culture and a tool for oppression and the practice of all forms of discrimination and racism towards the other. It may even help in waging wars and fueling them instead of acting as a tool that reflects reality in its various aspects and helps to create multiple alternatives to conflicts, and as a cultural mediator trying to find a common ground for cooperation on the basis of mutual respect. In light of this, the problem of the study is determined in answering a main question represented in: Did the international Arab press represented by the London newspaper Al-Hayat attempt to address the "Charles Hebdo" incident in the context of emphasizing the conflict between "the me and the other" by practicing discrimination and racism towards the other, or did it seek to find a type From understanding and dialogue and maximizing the common denominators between them?
