The credibility of news websites among the academic elite and its relationship to cognitive dissonance

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism Department, Faculty of Media Technology - Sinai University


In light of the intense competition from the media and the speedy nature of events in news coverage, studying the criteria for media credibility among the public has become extremely important at the present time. In light of the aforementioned, the research problem can be identified in revealing the degree of credibility of news sites with the academic elite, their evaluation of the availability of various criteria and their indicators for the credibility of these sites, and testing the relationship between their credibility and the rate of elite use of these sites and its relationship to the degree of cognitive dissonance of the elite.
Individuals 'perception of the media's credibility is positively correlated with their selection of one media outlet over another, as it increases the effectiveness and success of the media in shaping individuals' knowledge and attitudes, and even shaping social reality also increases. Therefore, the current study is concerned with measuring the indicators of news websites' credibility criteria as seen by the specialized and non-specialized academic elite and to explore its relationship to the degree of cognitive dissonance they have.
