The effect of multimedia viewing of various issues on the cognitive processes of their users

Document Type : Original Article


ِAkbar Elyoom Academy


User can deal with the information according to personal preparations and social controls, and in light of his pre-existing knowledge that allows acceptance or rejection of this information, and in the case that it is allowed to be accepted, the user allows this information to be further processed and stored, as indicated by the information processing theory, which emphasizes that the media help attention due to the models they present in a manner characterized by simplicity to achieve the ability to be perceived, interpreted and remembered, and make the user perform cognitive processes on them and keep them in his memory, which would facilitate the absorption of news with complex details. Whereas, the type of issue, the extent of media interest, and the user's desire to follow or actual follow-up to it based on his interest and communication goals, its effect on the cognitive processes of the Egyptian user was not tested, the study examined these variables to test their effect. In light of the existing literature - the study problem is determined in choosing the nature of the relationship between the form “represented by the use of multimedia presentation methods” and the content “represented by the type of issue” and between the level of knowledge and perception of news content and the role that Multimedia presentation methods in users' acquisition of the information provided and the extent of their awareness and recall of it.
