Examining the role of women’s forums on the Internet in prioritizing family issues for college girls

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Media and Child Culture, Institute of Graduate Studies for Childhood, Ain Shams University


Females constitute social and economic asset for any process aiming at the development of society (Zayed Center for Coordination and Follow-up, 2004). Based on that meaning and from the capacity of the vast virtual spaces (forums), and with the communicative hegemony that can directly influence their thought and culture, and based on the results of one of the studies (Amr Azab, 2016), which emphasizes the negative role of some media in shaping the image of family relations among young people, especially girls, whose rate of reading these topics reached 85% of the total research sample and the effect of this on their future decisions related to marriage and family formation, a large proportion of young people - according to this study - spread negative ideas about marriage and trust in a partner, infidelity, and that is due to the unbalanced presentation of these issues through newspapers that currently suffer from poor readability, compared to digital spaces, which are characterized by interaction, ease of use and rapid spread among youth communities. Based on the above, the problem of the current study can be identified as follows: What is the role of women's forums on the Internet in prioritizing family issues for college girls?
