Frameworks for the press coverage of the terrorism issue in Egyptian electronic newspapers and its relationship to shaping university youth perceptions about it

Document Type : Original Article


Higher Institute for Media and Communication Arts


The research problem is determined in light of the seriousness of the communication phenomenon and the challenges it poses at the level of the individual and society, in light of the terrorist events that Egypt witnessed after the revolution of January 25, 2011 and is still going on. This led to the necessity of researching the factors and causes that frame the issue by electronic newspapers, and evaluating the effectiveness of those frameworks and their implications for the university youth's awareness of the issue and its ultimate seriousness. The research problem was represented in the following terms: examining frameworks for the press coverage of the terrorism issue in Egyptian electronic newspapers and its relationship to forming university youth perceptions about it. The importance of the study is due to the seriousness of the issue of terrorism and the repercussions and negative effects it represents on Egypt and its stability internally and externally, given the negative impact on investment, tourism and various paths of life, with all the measures taken by the state to besiege and eliminate the phenomenon.
