Women's uses of women's groups on Facebook and their relationship to developing their self-concept

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism Department at the Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


Groups are considered one of the most important applications available through social networks in general, and Facebook in particular. Through these groups, an individual can share with his friends or even strangers about general or specialized interests, and in this context the individual has absolute freedom to form these groups or make a decision to join it. With the spread of women's groups on Facebook, the increase in the number of their subscribers, the multiplicity of their areas of interest, and the expansion of their influence through the intense activity of women on social networks monitored by many studies, it becomes necessary to direct research attention to monitoring the nature of these groups and the patterns of interaction within them and the nature of the variables and the subjective and societal factors that Control its existence, spread and effects. In this context, the problem of the study is determined in the search for the motives for women's use of women's groups on Facebook, the gratifications resulting from it, and the relationship of that to the development of their self-concept in order to allow an understanding of the social behavior of women through these groups and to provide a mechanism to reveal the nature and style of social learning that this interaction allows in developing her self-concept, and enabling the detection of influencing factors in the woman’s relationship with these groups of specialized interest.
