The press discourse for the trial of former President Mubarak in the Egyptian newspapers, an analytical study for Al-Ahram and Al-Masry Al-Youm newspapers from 4/10/2011 until 12/31/2014

Document Type : Original Article


Media Department, Faculty of Arts - Helwan University


The trial of former President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak in its various stages received extensive coverage from the print, audio and visual media, as the press devoted whole pages to it through its editorial coverage, and local, Arab and international television channels allocated hours to broadcast the trial and called it the trial of the century, an expression of the historical importance it has enjoyed as a unique event for the entire Arab region, and an appreciation of the implications of its results for Egypt during that period.
If the media's handling of the cases before the courts raises a debate between a supporter of media freedom and a rejection of media interference in the legal path of cases, especially those that arouse public interest, then Mubarak's trial was a strong example of this debate in the media.
Based on this, the study seeks to uncover the position of the Egyptian newspapers' discourse towards the trial of former President Mubarak, by analyzing the main theses and ideas presented by newspaper writers about this trial, and their position on the controversy that arose about some of its facts, and the reference frameworks on which they relied in producing this discourse about The trial
