The effect of relying on traditional and new media on the spread of health culture

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University


Although the media contributes to achieving our physical and psychological health through awareness programs and articles, it also contributes at the same time to physical and mental illness by publishing deficient, wrong or contradictory health methods, in addition to promoting cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and medicines that are not medically licensed, and irrational thoughts in the medical field, such as sorcery, witchcraft, and unsound practices that threaten human safety and health. Hence the role of the responsible authorities in providing specialized health media that works with all media outlets is to spread health awareness that reflects positively the health culture in society and contributes to reducing the number of patients and relieving the increasing pressure on doctors and various health centers. The level of the Egyptian public's dependence on the media varies according to the type and style of the medium, between traditional and new media. Likewise, the effects of these media vary according to the nature and characteristics of each medium. This study seeks to know the levels of Egyptian public dependence on traditional and new media in developing health awareness and spreading health culture, as well as identifying the reasons and motives for relying on these means, and the extent of confidence in the health information they provide, and monitoring Community members' evaluation of traditional and new media treatment of health issues and awareness of them, and their proposals for developing the health service.
