Job satisfaction of the educational media specialist and its relationship to administrative leadership styles in schools

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media - Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


There is no doubt that the educational media specialist's elimination of problems depends to a large extent on the ability of the administrative leadership in schools to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way and achieve job satisfaction for them, which may affect their performance, which is reflected negatively or positively on their job satisfaction. Educational media specialists cannot achieve their goals unless there is successful administrative leadership within the school which will be able to win their trust and win their respect.
The administrative leadership styles of the administration in secondary schools have an important role, negatively or positively, and this is reflected in the degree of achieving job satisfaction for the educational media specialist who is entrusted with supervising educational media activities in the school.
Therefore, the study problem crystallizes in the following question: What are the styles of administrative leadership in governmental and private secondary schools and its relationship to the job satisfaction of an educational media specialist?
