Citizen journalist's participation in electronic newspapers and its relationship to self-esteem

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


Throughout the historical development of the media, the audience has not participated in one way or another in building these media, and the citizen did not express his preferences and interests, assert himself and his existence, and fulfill his demands for freedom of expression, until the digital revolution occurred. The amazing technology that we live in thanks to the Internet, and newspapers that have websites on the Internet, and electronic newspapers that do not have a paper origin, have made it possible for the citizen to have the ability to transmit and receive electronically; the connection to the Internet is no longer with the computer only, it is possible for him to browse newspaper websites on the mobile phone, and to correspond with pictures, videos, or written texts; the electronic newspapers made it possible for the reader to participate, live with the reality of his community and help him to publish it. Hence, the problem of this study was to try to find out the effect of electronic newspapers ’response to publishing citizen journalist content or not publishing it on the citizen’s sense of self and appreciation for it. The problem is summarized in the quest to answer the question: Is there a relationship between the citizen journalist’s contributions in the electronic newspapers and self-esteem?
