The reality of youth reading for newspapers and its impact on the future of their relationship with paper journalism

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Journalism and Electronic Publishing at the College of Media and Communication at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University


The aim of the study is summarized in knowing the relationship of Saudi youth to reading newspapers and the daily paper, by studying habits and patterns their reading, and the most important factors and reasons that drive them to read it, or lead to their reluctance to do so, their opinion of its future in their country, and their perception of the extent of their relationship with it in the future. This study comes in the context of the global scientific interest in the phenomenon, and an extension of previous theses, and accordingly, by focusing on the issue of the current relationship of young people to printed newspapers, and the reality of their reading of it, on the light of which it is possible to extrapolate the future of the relationship of the younger generations with it, which are likely to have a greater gap with ages, particularly with the acceleration of the pace of social network sites, the growth of digital media, and the fascination with the influx of communication technologies, and what young people have been accused of  in previous eras of weakness in their general readings that does not exceed the limits of reading newspapers or their headlines.
