User preferences for designing Egyptian news websites on mobile phones

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism department, Mass Communication, Cairo University


Using mobile phones to read news has become one of the ways to obtain news and information in the daily life of individuals. The mobile phone has become a tool for press publishing or publishing news content through different sites and applications, including news sites and applications that enable the news site to be browsed on the mobile phone appropriately. For this mobile medium, and also newsletters for news sites that are sent to subscribers via their mobile phones, we can say that the mobile phone has become an integrated mobile news tool that enables users to easily access news content at anytime and anywhere by visiting news sites on mobile phones and also entering websites. The widespread use of cell phones imposes new challenges on designers to create news content that makes the process of browsing the web more easy and efficient for its users, especially with the small screen space and thus the same capabilities are not available in the case of web design for computers, and from here the study problem can be elaborated as follows: Designing a group of Egyptian news websites for mobile phones according to a set of elements, whether related to designing the shape of the website's interface and the home page, as well as the availability of a set of features that facilitate the process of using the site and touring it, in addition to monitoring users ’evaluation of the design of news websites on mobile phones and identifying their preferences for elements
