New media and its relationship to the degree of educational satisfaction among students of media in Egyptian universities within the framework of the theory of means richness (field study)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media - Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University


The emergence of the Internet as a medium of communication caused a great revolution and debate among researchers about the effect of that new interactive medium on the pattern of relationships between individuals. It is proven for everyone that the Internet has indeed created a new society by all standards, which is a society. The emergence of e-learning has facilitated the widespread dependence on learner-centered education and other changes in educational practices.
    By looking at the scientific heritage and previous Arab and foreign studies in the field of study, it was found there are no scientific studies that dealt with the relationship of new media with degrees of educational satisfaction among media students in universities. In light of the above, the study problem is determined in the following main question: What is the relationship between the new media and the degree of educational satisfaction among media students in Egyptian universities within the framework of the method of wealth theory.
