Journalists ’evaluation of the professional ethics of Arab news sites covering for the Egyptian crises

Document Type : Original Article


Media Department, Faculty of Arts, Damietta University


Digital technologies raise a thorny and a number of ethical and professional challenges for journalists and media professionals. The ethics of reporting crises on news sites requires the necessity of avoiding subjectivity in reporting facts, in the sense of being accurate and honest in conveying information without inclination to personal opinions or rumors, presenting it with all credibility, objectivity and impartiality, and taking into account ethical and professional controls and principles of social responsibility in coverage, and awareness of the vocabulary of the crisis.
Based on the fact that the media coverage of crises pose great challenges to the media - especially the electronic ones - where many factors overlap, including: professionalism, site ownership, ideology, national interests, and the trends and policies of the funder or owner of the site that affect aspects of news treatment in a way that serves them, and based on the fact that providing the public with accurate information and gaining the public’s confidence in coverage is one of the priorities of successful media work, in light of that, the problem of the study was to investigate the level of media professionals ’satisfaction with the level of professional ethics for media coverage of Egyptian crises in Arab news websites
