University youth attitudes towards the values presented in the series broadcasted on specialized drama channels

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Radio and Television, the International Higher Institute of Media - Al-Shorouk Academy


Dramas shown on specialized satellite channels present value systems that do not abide by national borders in their entirety, they form a complex synthetic framework of multi-purpose structures, and the messages they transmit vary through means that transcend barriers of time, space and language; to address young consumers of diverse cultures, social levels, and desires. The prevailing societal models that members of society adhere to when exposed to a situation, and those cultural norms and societal models that govern the behavior of individuals must be adopted by the media; especially the drama in satellite channels in order to achieve its main desired goal, which is to spread culture and constructive values ​​in society. That is why the research necessity called for studying the attitude of university youth towards the diverse drama presented by the specialized drama channels in order to reach the monitoring of everything that is positive in the dramatic content, and on the contrary, an attempt to evaluate and reform everything that is negative or that would harm the culture and values ​​of these young people who are the hope of the future.
