Public perception of the quality of communications and e-government services

Document Type : Original Article


Media department, Faculty of arts, Helwan University


The research problem is determined in monitoring the extent to which the Emirati public adopts the services provided through government websites and their smart applications, and is aware of their benefits, ease and quality, and the extent of their confidence in them. This is in light of the UAE government’s tendency to develop its electronic services in a manner that achieves customer satisfaction and ensures the provision of fast, good and comprehensive services, within the framework of both technology acceptance models, awareness of the quality of electronic services, and trust in the website.
The study aims at learning about the extent of the Emirati public's acceptance of electronic and smart government services in terms of their awareness of the benefits realized from them, as well as the extent of their ease; Identifying the Emirati public’s perception of the quality elements of electronic services provided through the UAE government agencies; Identifying the extent of the trust of the Emirati public in electronic and smart government services.
