Attitudes of university students studying mass communication towards both electronic learning and traditional learning

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor – Faculty of Arts – mass communication department – Banha university


This paper aims to identify and analyze the attitudes of university students studying mass communication towards both e-learning and traditional learning.
 The study employs descriptive and quantitative methods using survey to identify and analyze how the university students who are studying mass communication feel towards both the e-learning and the traditional learning and whether they think it is interactive enough and allow them to ask questions and get answers from the professors or not.
The paper harnesses the theoretical background of constructivist learning.
The main results concluded by this study included that 64% of the students have benefited from the e-learning sessions and lectures and that goes in line with many of the previous studies that have mentioned that the students find that the e-learning allows them to understand the curriculum in a simplistic way that they can interpret. 
