Frameworks of Egyptian media treatment of the official US stance from the Egyptian January 25 revolution

Document Type : Original Article


Public Relations and Advertising Department – Faculty of Mass Communication – Cairo University


The problem of the study can be clarified as follows: “This study seeks to identify the media treatment of the official US stance regarding the reactions of the White House and the American administration towards the Egyptian revolution (the revolution of 25 January 2011).
 The study seeks to analyze the media treatment in order to know the nature of these media treatments and to reveal the limits of the role that the media play in building and forming perceptions of issues and events and on the image presented to the public opinion. The study also aims at monitoring changes in the positions, statements and reactions of the US administration and the White House from the moment of the revolution and after the three speeches of President Mubarak during the revolution until he stepped down from power.
 The importance of this study stems from the historical moment in which the January 25 revolution broke out and toppled the former Egyptian regime loyal to the United States of America as its strong ally in the region and the fall of President Hosni Mubarak and his removal from power, in light of the importance Egypt occupies in the American strategy and the US foreign policy agenda.
