The Attitudes of the Egyptian public towards the credibility of traditional and new media following the events of the 30th of June

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Arts – Benha University


Egyptian media has witnessed major transformations after the January 25th revolution, as a result of the comprehensive state of change that affected all the structures of Egyptian society, including the media, and accompanied by these changes the emergence of many ideas and visions that did not exist before.
Credibility Crisis, or the media credibility gap, is emerging as a reaction to the increase in the number of media messages, which led to an increase in media materials that could contain multiple content in order to attract more audiences, regardless of the focus on the extent of the validity of these News and its credibility.
 As a reaction to the credibility crisis in the official media, the so-called alternative communication or counter-media emerged and new communication mechanisms have been followed which depends on individuals in making and editing news and presenting it to the masses.
The issue of the credibility of the Egyptian media (traditional - new) gained increasing importance in the privacy of the Egyptian scene. The problem of the study is determined in: "Determining the Egyptian public's attitudes towards the credibility of Egyptian satellite channels (as one mean of traditional media), and social media sites (as an example of new media), after the events of June 30," to come up with indications about the extent of the media's credibility in dealing with these events.
