The relationship between television and internet exposure and the level of awareness of the Egyptian public about obesity

Document Type : Original Article


Mass Communication – Nahda University


Despite the importance of health education and the role of the media in it, especially television, radio, the press, medical magazines, the Internet and video as informational sources for health education, the researcher touched the lack of media studies that deal with this important aspect in the lives of individuals as active members of society, in order to integrate with the specialized studies that he received Health education as a science of allied medical sciences.
The research problem is determined in: “Identifying the effect of television and the Internet in educating the Egyptian public's Obesity". The study takes into consideration the interest in the health culture of individuals as one of the foundations of human development, and the increasing influence of the media on the recipient on his values, concepts and habits, which have become one of the main determinants that contribute to defining the features and behavior of individuals.
