Egyptian media studies in the field of new media during the first decade of the twenty-first century

Document Type : Original Article


Radio and Television Department – Faculty of Mass Communication – Cairo University


The importance of this research is highlighted in analyzing the methodological and substantive aspects of previous studies by applying the meta-analysis method - as an analytical descriptive method - and the evaluation Biblio-metric method, which has begun to grow increasingly in Europe and America since 1976, but the Arab media library is still suffering in general that these two approaches are still scarce.
The main interest of the current study is to monitor and analyze the reality of media research on new media - websites, electronic newspapers, internet radio and mobile phone - that were produced during the first decade of the twenty-first century (2001-2010), which contributes to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the history of Media studies during that period, as well as shedding light on the gaps that future studies should focus on in the field of new media, and what the reality may hold in terms of future opportunities and challenges that affect determining trends in academic and media research.
