The influence of organizational leadership style on communication strategies for managing organizational conflict

Document Type : Original Article


Public Relations and Advertising Department – Faculty of Mass Communication – Cairo University


There is no doubt that the manager in any field would have had the responsibility to promote the organization, and to face the negative organizational conflicts that occur in the organization and turn them into positive conflicts that achieve the goals of the organization. The explanation of the success of many administrative institutions is due to the secret of the leaders’ success in influencing their subordinates and motivating them to provide their maximum energies and in uniting the efforts of workers and co-opting them so that they accept their work with desire, conviction, satisfaction and high morale.
As the task of the manager is to avoid conflict, which requires him to understand the backgrounds of the conflict, nature and effects. Accordingly, this study came to discuss one of the important issues in administrative communication, which is the relationship between the organizational leadership style and the strategies used in conflict management. The various organizational leadership styles may affect their choice of organizational conflict management strategies, which will reflect positively or negatively on the level of individual, group and organizational performance, as well as on achieving organizational goals.
