The role of Islamic websites on the Internet in spreading the culture and teachings of the Islamic religion

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Media

2 Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts


                  Islamic religious sites on the Internet are vary. Some of these sites are issued by Islamic countries, and some are from Islamic organizations, bodies or groups, and there are sites for some religious figures, and from here highlights the importance of Islamic sites in carrying out their role in the field of spreading the culture and teachings of the Islamic religion and confronting defamation campaigns. And misinformation and confronting the Western intellectual and cultural invasion that targets Islam and Muslims, and working to educate the Egyptian public, spreading moderate Islamic culture, and fight perverted ideas.
In light of this, the research problem focused on the extent of the Islamic sites' interest on the Internet in disseminating the culture and teachings of the Islamic religion, through the religious information, fatwas and hadiths they present. As well as the audio and video they present, as well as the evidence, proofs and analyzes they provide in light of the noble Qur’an and the noble Prophet’s Sunned. In addition to monitoring and analyzing the content and form of religious subjects and teachings that were addressed during the period of the analytical study.
