The role of applied projects in developing innovative thinking and developing the media performance of educational media students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Radio and Television - Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University


Innovative thinking is one of the methods of directed thinking that helps students discover Relationships, reaching solutions to problems, and producing positive original ideas that serve the individual and society.
Since student applied projects are a tool of the educational system tools that are considered a rich and fertile ground for developing students' innovative skills and abilities, which in turn may contribute effectively to developing and improving their performance, as the more correct thinking is Reform performance. Therefore, the current research tried to explore the role of student applied projects in developing innovative thinking and developing students' media performance, and thus the research problem represented the following main question: What is the role of applied projects in developing innovative thinking and developing the media performance of educational media students?
The current research tended to study innovative thinking through its following basic axes (mental abilities - problem-solving methods - individual motives - personality traits of the individual - innovative production - innovative climate). It also tended to address applied projects represented by graduation projects in the educational media department specifically due to the nature. The department combines the sides of the education, media and education triangle, and thus the projects resulting are not limited to one field, but merge between several fields (education and information), and accordingly the mental and intellectual capabilities of students are varied and burdened during the preparation and production of projects; This serves the objectives of the current research.
