The impact of the political ideology of the state in building news frames

Document Type : Original Article


College of Media and Communication, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia launched a military campaign with international participation, called Operation Decisive Storm, against the Houthi group and the forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen.
The media discourse of the various trends and ideologies focused on highlighting this issue through more than one approach. Among them, in particular, are the entrances to the new and emerging roles of regional states in the Yemeni crisis, the reasons for shifting their policies, and the impact they have on the movements in Yemen, and the opportunities for peace-making.
Therefore, the problem of the current research stems from the following question: Was the media discourse (news) in each of the channels expressing the formal point of view of Saudi Arabia In the events of Decisive Storm on the one hand (such as the Saudi news channel that expresses the perspective of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its allies). This is in contrast to the opposing discourse expressed by the Iranian Al-Alam channel. And to what extent was this media news discourse in each of the two channels free from the struggle of political ideologies, or was it a reflection of it and an arena for presenting the perceptions of these ideologies by framing them in different media?
