Picture frames for the Syrian crisis on the websites of international news channels

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Radio and Television - College of Media - Modern University of Technology and Information


                           The Syrian crisis is one of the most complex international crises due to the multiplicity of its parties and the intertwining of its events, until Syria has turned into a field in which different countries struggle to achieve their interests and implement their political will.
The media play an essential role in managing the various conflicts. Whereas, it has become a participant in these conflicts by placing them in specific frameworks that contribute to shaping the public's attitudes towards them, and creating a public opinion in support or opposition to the positions of different countries regarding these conflicts. And based on the importance of the role that the international media play in influencing international public opinion, this study sought to analyze the visual image of the Syrian war on the websites of international news channels, and to monitor aspects of agreement and differences between these sites.
