Investigations of Arab Spring countries in the ARIJ network

Document Type : Original Article


1 Journalism Department at Yarmouk University

2 Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Benha University

3 Yarmouk University

4 Faculty of Mass Communication, Yarmouk University


Investigative journalism studies are considered relatively recent studies, which have attracted the interest of many researchers in the field of print, visual and electronic media. And his social platforms.
Despite, the role of investigative journalism in uncovering corruption cases in its various forms in the political, economic, social, health and other fields, its fulfillment of this role depends to a large extent on the margin of freedom prevailing in society. But the freedom of the press and the media is an influential factor in the exercise of investigative journalism for its supervisory role.
Accordingly, the problem of the study is to know the contents of the investigative investigations of the Arab Spring countries in the ARIJ network. To know the effect of the margin of freedom available before and during the Arab Spring revolutions and after during the period from 2010 to 2012 on the content of the investigative investigations of the Arab Spring countries Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, Published on the ARIJ website.
