Reports of website analysis in online selling and its relationship to the loyalty of Egyptian consumers

Document Type : Original Article


Media Department, Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University


The study of website analytics technology in terms of the loyalty of Egyptian consumers to it, is an urgent matter in light of the continuous growth of artificial intelligence applications in the field of electronic marketing, which these reports come as one of its tools. Those Egyptian consumers are part of the global market, especially in one of the most important groups. The websites that are spread on it (online selling sites). This is what the current study is working on, as its problem is to answer the question: “What is the relationship of website analytics technology tools in online selling to the loyalty of Egyptian recipients"?
    In order to answer this question, the study examines the relationship between a number of variables that represent the factors of the use of artificial intelligence in analysis of sites and its dependencies, and the relationship of these factors to the loyalty of Egyptian consumers to online selling sites. All of that within the context of the environment in which they live.
