Jordanian women rely on Arab satellite channels as a source of information about their rights

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Information - Yarmouk University


The continuous expansion of communications technology has given the Jordanian citizen in particular, and the Arab citizen in general, the opportunity to access satellite channels in their current form. Noting that these channels are currently among the most important and prominent means in the extent of their influence on individuals through the formation of their attitudes and the formation of facts for them with their contribution to the development of values. It is certain that women's issues in the Arab world are completely different from those in Western societies. And since Jordan is one of the Arab countries, Jordanian women's issues are relatively similar to Arab women's issues.
Accordingly, this study came to try to identify the dependence of Jordanian women on Arab satellite channels in knowing their rights through the introduction of the theory of dependence on the media, with the aim of knowing the effects (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral) of satellite television channels by raising awareness of women's rights.
