The reliance of the contact person in government and private channels on Twitter information and their assessment of its credibility

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University


In dealing with the issue of how communicators in governmental and private satellite channels deal with Twitter - as a communication and information site - the study focused on two dimensions, the first of which is the dependence of the communicators on Twitter information and their employment of it, and the second is their opinion of its reliability.
With regard to the first dimension, the communicators in the governmental and private satellite channels participated with other people in the riding of the Twitter locomotive and reaping its information, and relying on reliable sources. As for the second dimension, the problem lies in the case of suspicion of Twitter information, and its need for verification and low the level of confidence in it. The site has repeatedly shown the inaccuracy of a lot of information related to some personalities or decisions that later appear in the traditional media in a way that is contrary to what has spread and spread in Twitter. So, Twitter's credibility has been affected in the eyes of many, and some of them have reached the ruling to remove it from it, except for accounts. The official, which often does not enjoy extensive follow-up, can whoever want to broadcast any information he chooses, which made spreading false information easy, as there is no censorship or censorship over it, so the other side is to allow free access to information away from restrictions, misuse it and broadcast a lot of false news. Especially, if the accounts were witnessing high viewing rates, then an information chaos spread full of rumors, and in the same direction, experts participating in the Fourth International Conference of Lucca appreciated World news is not the speed of communication sites in communicating information, without denying that it has fallen many times in credibility tests.
Based on the above, the problem of the study is summarized in identifying the interactions of communicators in governmental and private satellite channels with Twitter, their reliance on its information, and their evaluation of its credibility.
