The dependence of the deaf and dumb on the Egyptian electronic newspapers and their relationship to the extent of their knowledge of current events

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Journalism, Faculty of Information, Pharos University, Alexandria


Hearing impairment is considered a real problem that human societies suffer from, whether they are developed or developing. Therefore, societies in our contemporary world have taken care of the hearing-impaired and assisted them and found the means to improve their condition to be at the level of the healthy.
This study relied on the mass media, especially electronic newspapers as one of the appropriate means of communication for a deaf person, which helps him to communicate with the outside world and obtain knowledge, which is reflected positively on his psychological, social and cognitive development. Thus, turning the disabled person into a positive citizen who participates together in various development efforts. The important roles that newspapers play in influencing the knowledge and understanding of the public. The media can present a wide variety of issues or topics of interest to society.
Here, the present study seeks to study the dependence of the deaf and the mute on Egyptian electronic newspapers and its relationship to the extent of their knowledge of current events.
