The Factors affecting the audience use of the internet games within the framework of integration theory

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Media Department, Faculty of Specific Education – Cairo University


It is noticeable that various media studies aimed at identifying the motives of exposure to the media indicating that entertainment is a major cause of exposure. The widespread use of Internet games via Various age groups, and the demand for entertainment, and with the use of these games the player may feel a state of absorption and integration, given that he is engaged in a pleasant and entertaining activity, and in light of the above, the study problem is determined in:
Identifying the extent of using Internet games among different age groups, the motives for using these games, and the extent to which the state of merging between players has been achieved in all its dimensions in terms of (concentration of attention, virtual presence, fading sense of time, exploratory behavior, ease of use, and the extent of enjoyment of playing), in addition to Knowing the players ’attitudes towards these games and the possibility of continuing them in the future, and the extent of the relationship between this situation and the demographic variables in the context of using these games.
