Egyptian research trends in public opinion studies during the period (2000-2018)

Document Type : Original Article


Media Department at the Faculty of Arts - Minia University


                           In light of the stage of transformation that the country is going through, and the political and societal changes, and its reflection on research and media studies in particular, the need for self-evaluation and review in the field of media scientific research appears. And an attempt to benefit from previous studies and stand on the strengths and weaknesses, and to maximize and benefit from comparisons to start towards a more accurate and effective vision to move from quantitative to qualitative.
 As a continuation of the efforts of previous researchers and the series of previous studies, which dealt with presenting the trends of international and Egyptian public opinion researches; discussing; monitoring and analyzing their reality, in terms of fields and frameworks of knowledge; theory; research and methodological approaches. Identifying the centers of interest in Egyptian studies and experience, and the extent of their relevance and discussion of internal and external issues and events and phenomena, which occupies public opinion, and how closely it is consistent with studies of public opinion in the world. And standing on points of intersection and convergence, and scientific gaps, this study derives its importance; To guide researchers through its research agenda, and the focused review of public opinion studies.
