The US presidential campaigns on the Internet from 1992 to 2016

Document Type : Original Article


Media Department, Faculty of Arts - Benha University.


The importance of this study lies in the fact that the US presidential election campaigns are the pioneering and most unique and innovative model in the field of employing the Internet and multiple electronic platforms in political marketing, and promoting the electoral campaigns of candidates. As well as it is often cited as a reference and a unique model for electoral campaigns in many liberal countries of the world such as Britain and Norway.
      Hence, the problem of the study is to analyze the history of the US presidential campaigns on the Internet, starting from the US presidential election campaign in 1992 to the last presidential campaign in 2016. And comparing, criticizing, and scientifically rooting for the stages of its development, and identifying the characteristics of each campaign, and the extent to which it employs the capabilities provided by the Internet in the field of Communication and political marketing. In addition to knowing the extent of the success of the Internet and its electronic platforms in redefining the concept of election campaigns with each presidential election cycle, and the development of political communication strategies, as well as the language of American political discourse according to digital media variables.
The problem of the study is focused on analyzing the role of the Internet and its platforms in voter participation in elections. As well as its role in the success or loss of the presidential candidate, the ways in which presidential campaigns dealt with the abundance of information and big data since 2012, and the extent to which experts and specialists have been used to design campaign strategies, and manage them in light of these digital challenges.
