The effect of fake news on Facebook on the public's perception of Egyptian public affairs

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information - Beni Suef University


The spread of fake news and the absence of accurate information has been the most prominent phenomenon in the Egyptian society during the recent period. Which has witnessed many political, social and economic crises, although the spread of fake news was carried out through social media platforms that have been subjected to many criticisms for their involvement in these practices, whether by making them available or leaking user data and its commercial and political exploitation. But Facebook made it clear that it will not remove fake news from its platform, because it does not violate the standards of its social network, and that removing fabricated posts will "contradict the basic principles of freedom of expression."
In light of the above, the problem of the study is focused on the search for the Egyptian public’s relationship with the fake news circulating on Facebook and its impact on its perception of Egyptian public affairs, and testing the audience’s ability to differentiate between fake and correct news that was circulated on the site about Egyptian public affairs, and their appreciation of the limits of its impact on the different categories of the environment surrounding them. And the extent of their support for taking control and regulatory measures to reduce the impact of fake news. In light of the third person influence theory, whose main assumption confirms that individuals attribute greater influences to the media on others than themselves, especially those that contain negative or negative content. Socially unacceptable, in addition to studying the causes of the spread of fake news on social media and its various methods of dealing with Egyptian public affairs and the proposed solutions to reduce it from the viewpoint of a sample of experts and practitioners in the fields of traditional and digital media.
