Exposure of North Sinai residents to terrorist events in the electronic press and its relationship to their psychological resilience

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


               Terrorism has become a global phenomenon and it is one of the biggest challenges in the 21st century, and it is a preoccupation for all countries of the world. Especially, the countries of the Middle East, which are exposed to the highest rate of terrorist operations by militias and armed groups that use the latest martial arts and the latest lethal weapons, and hardly a day passes without an occurrence.
One of these events that destroy property and lives, and the electronic newspapers closely follow these events moment by moment and act as a watchdog for them and the role of the army and police in the resistance, and Egyptian society is experiencing this crisis that it has been exposed to for several years. Especially, the people of North Sinai, which suffers from these events due to its location. The geographer who put it into confrontation, and because psychology research in the recent period tends to be positive in application to individuals and it is called (positive psychology). The idea of ​​this study was launched to try to find out the relationship between the exposure of North Sinai people to terrorist events in the electronic press and the resulting psychological resilience.
