Attitudes of the Saudi public towards the effectiveness of foreign Arabic-speaking news websites

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism Department - College of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University - Jeddah


The electronic media on the Internet and social networking sites raise many questions, which mainly stem from identifying and monitoring their impact, whether on the positive or negative level, especially after the high rate of their use in the recent period, and the multiplicity of electronic media channels, including foreign news websites speaking Arabic, which were used. The latest technology to link sound and image, and the speed of transmission and updating of the news, which has attracted many Internet users to this type of site, and those news sites have attracted many segments that do not accept to follow the traditional media.
  In light of the foregoing, it becomes important to study the nature of the public’s attitudes towards the effectiveness of these sites, and then the problem of the study is determined in answering a major question: What is the nature of the Saudi public’s attitudes towards the effectiveness of foreign Arabic-speaking news sites? What are the motives for exposure and the benefits achieved from exposure, and what are the mediating factors affecting that? This is applied to a sample of the Saudi audience that is users of foreign Arabic-speaking news websites.
