The effects of foreign television programs on Arab youth

Document Type : Original Article


College of Media and Human Sciences, Ajman University


The research deals with a topic of a high degree of importance, represented by the impact of foreign television programs arriving on Arab university youth. This importance comes from the prevalence of many harmful behavioral phenomena and practices among Arab youth in many Arab universities. And that some of these phenomena are alien to the Arab value system, and comprehensively not limited to a specific field, but rather included various social, cultural and economic fields, which prompted Many researchers and research institutions have sought to shed light on these phenomena that express the problems faced by Arab youth.
The research will also focus on the types, size and nature of exposure, especially since most of the foreign program channels that Arab youth are exposed to are international and regional channels that work according to strategic plans that have goals precisely set and directed towards specific goals and objectives, and large financial budgets have been allocated to them. Advanced technologies and high-level technical expertise. Those who are not aware of these risks must answer the following questions: Why do some countries allocate large financial budgets to channels directed outside their societies? Why do these channels recruit their best technical and technical expertise? Are these countries charitable societies to provide such services to societies that are not their own? Rather, they may be at odds with them, and everyone who has insight must realize that there are interests, ambitions and aspirations for states when they target other societies, they may consider them as opponents, or It has strategic interests with it, or it considers it a vital field for its strategic interests, which may be economic, political or cultural
