The relationship between Egyptian women's exposure to television beauty programs and their body image

Document Type : Original Article


Broadcasting Department, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


Cosmetic programs present the complete or partial transformation of a person in shape and body as an effective way to improve life, and link his unattractive physical appearance to his social and professional life, by presenting the contradiction in the psychological state of the patient before plastic surgery. And the dramatic scene of the physical and emotional transformation after plastic surgery as if it were all. Human problems and suffering have been solved. Some researchers have criticized that type of program as dealing with a woman’s body as if it were a “thing”, and the concept of plastic surgery was crystallized as a “force” that ends women's suffering. In view of the Egyptian society; Most of these programs deal with getting rid of obesity, beautifying teeth with modern techniques, sculpting the body, and tightening wrinkles. And with the conservative character and the religious trend of the whole Egyptian society, which raises the idea of ​​beautifying birth defects of the utmost necessity, and belief and satisfaction with the will of God in what he created, these programs become subject to evaluation. How it affects Egyptian women.
Therefore, this study seeks to examine Egyptian women's attitudes towards beauty programs presented on television channels, and the relationship that may link exposure to those programs and their satisfaction with the appearance of their bodies on the one hand, the extent to which the idea of ​​making a transformation in the shape of the body on the other hand. And demographic and psychological variables that may mediate That relationship is like their self-image, and religious beliefs related to accepting God’s will in his creation
