Logical fallacies in TV talk shows

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Radio and Television Journalism, Faculty of Information - University of Baghdad, Iraq

2 Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Information, University of Baghdad, Iraq


)         Dialogue) has occupied a large space in the media and has entered most of the arts of journalism, whether in terms of written, audio or visual media, as the programs that adopt (the language of dialogue) have become a phenomenon and a milestone in the global visual media in general and the Arab in particular, as communication men often They put the necessary plans in conducting the dialogues to achieve the communication goals, taking into consideration the perceptions of the return of the echo from the other party.
 The face-to-face communication that takes place between the journalist and the guest is the most important form of communication, and the most far-reaching effect on the human psyche because of its potential to disclose all the signs, gestures and symbols carried by the messages exchanged between the two parties to the communication. And (dialogue) is one of the most important forms of confrontational communication because of its verbal and non-verbal potential in determining the meanings and expanding the area of ​​its transmission between the two parties of the communication.
     Accordingly, the problem related to the questions raised by this study was identified, and practical and definitive answers were found for them, which are how many logical fallacies were used in the talk shows on the Al-Jazeera satellite channel? What are the programs and topics that the parties to the dialogue use the most logical fallacies of? Is the position of the dialogue parties on the topic of the dialogue a reason for their use of logical fallacies?
