Factors affecting the professional performance of photojournalists

Document Type : Original Article


Media Department at the Faculty of Arts - Minia University


Through the survey of the previous scientific heritage of the studies of the contact person in the press, it was revealed that there is a dearth of Arab studies that have been applied to photojournalists as communicators. Only two studies addressed them; They are the study (Ahmed Adel, 2016) which focused on dealing with the relationship of digital photography technology to the development of the professional practice of photojournalists, and the study (Ali Abbas Fadel, 2012), which was limited to examining the problems of Iraqi photojournalists. Hence, the need to pay more attention to conducting studies on photojournalists in the Egyptian press and approaching their professional reality, as they play a role that is in no way less than that of the editor. If the editor expresses the event in words, then the photographer shares this expression with him through the pictures presented, without which the meaning of the event will not be complete for the recipient, his understanding of it and perhaps his belief in it, in addition to his effort in capturing images that express many events.
In the framework of the foregoing, the research problem aims at studying the professional reality of photojournalists, in order to identify their characteristics and skills and the reflection of changes and developments in the field of photojournalism on their performance, as well as monitoring the factors affecting their professional performance, and the most prominent pressures and challenges facing them.
