Building the agenda of Arab and military issues in the pages of the military spokesman

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Media Sciences, Faculty of Arts - Ain Shams University


Recently, the interest of research centers and the elites in Israel has increased in the issue of war in cyberspace. The National Security Research Institute of Tel Aviv University organized a day under the title “Cyber ​​War; Challenges at the global, political and technological levels ». Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the importance and feasibility of this issue for Israel, and stressed the need for Israel to become a superpower in the field of cyber warfare, as he joined other fields of fighting on land, sea and cyberspace. The importance of this study comes from the dearth of Arab studies that have been exposed to the pages of the military spokesmen in general. Despite the importance of these pages, that they have high follow-up rates, and many individuals derive their information from them, and it has also been shown that most studies have employed the theory of priority order, while the theory of building an agenda has only been used in scarcity. The most important topics that dealt with the agenda-building theory were: presidential elections, military issues, and citizenship issues.
The problem of the study is to get acquainted with the agenda of building Arab and military issues in the pages of the Egyptian and Israeli military spokesman, and to identify the nature of the issues covered by the two pages; the extent of the difference between them; the media forms used in building the agenda; the most important sources; the direction of news coverage; the active forces; and the forms of interaction in the two pages.
