Spreading rumors and false news through social networks and the factors of their spread

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


Rumors and misinformation that are circulating through social networks, especially in times of crisis and disasters in society, have become important tools that are taken into account in the political process. And when making important decisions that affect society, and the seriousness of the rumor becomes clear that when trying to question its validity, it sometimes increases in strength and causes confusion. There is a great deal among the public about the accuracy of the information reported on this rumor.
 This study aims to investigate the phenomenon of rumors and false news circulating among users of the social networking site Facebook, by identifying the various features that are most prominent in those rumors or news that led to their re-publication by the user.
 In addition to a qualitative analysis of samples of rumors that have circulated in terms of their nature and characteristics, the most important aspects related to its spread in light of the theorizing of rumors and how they spread, and the main interest of the study is the stage in which the rumor is circulated on the site, whether the rumor is proven true or partially or completely false in a later period. The main goal is the process of its circulation by users without investigating its contents and work to expand its spread in society.
