The relationship of exposure to satirical political content on social media sites with the Egyptian public's attitudes towards voting

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Radio and Television - Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


         Political irony is not a new method for societies. Rather it is as old as human life, and the history of political satire in Egypt dates back to the era of the Pharaohs, where the ridicule - through drawings on the walls of temples - from some of the policies of rulers such as Cleopatra and Akhenaten. Up to irony in the era of social communication through the means the new media In light of the increasing rates of satirical political content presented on social media,  especially Facebook; Twitter; and YouTube, and using it as an effective tool to influence the public’s attitudes towards important political events. Whether positive or negative, and the increasing trend of Western research towards studying the impact of these contents on the political trends of citizens and their patterns of participation in public life, and in light of the lack of Arab media studies concerned with this. The research problem of the current study is the following question: “What are the rates of exposure of the Egyptian public to the satirical political content presented on social media, and what is the impact of that on their attitudes towards political participation in the application of voting participation in elections. Presidency 2018 '.
