Depending on modern technological means of communication by Hajj and Umrah performers as a source for obtaining guidance and awareness information during crises

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Social Science - Umm Al-Qura University


Nowadays media and modern technology are professionally used to educate Muslims their Hajj rituals and to guide them in what facilitates their pilgrimage also to provide them with great information of safety and security during crises. In addition, the live coverage by means of modern technology such as the use of spider cameras (used in World Cup matches and other international events and festivals) of the Hajj rituals and the conditions of pilgrims and Umrah performers and their movements in the holy feelings contribute to the spread of the Islamic call and achieve reassurance for the families of pilgrims and Umrah performers, and show the world the high Islamic meanings represented in Hajj and Umrah rituals.
Accordingly, the research problem is determined as follows:
Clarifying the extent of the contribution of modern technological means of communication (giant television screens and spider cameras) in facilitating the delivery of the media message in times of crisis (torrents - fires - severe congestion during the throwing of stones) and how media deal with such rituals. The study also aims at identifying the factors of success of the communication process, and the extent of pilgrims' dependency on these modern technological means in times of crisis during Hajj and Umrah.
