The role of the media in shaping the mental image of Arab rulers among Yemeni youth after the Arab Spring revolutions

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mass Communication – Sanaa University


As media play a noticeable role in shaping trends and images and influencing public opinion through the information and ideas they provide, multiple studies of cultural and knowledge emphasis on the increasing reliance on the media during crises, conflicts and disasters.
Actually various governments and political forces use the media as an arena in which they present their perceptions or may also use them as a tool to support or confirm their perceptions, and the media may be an arena, a tool and a party at the same time, and there is no doubt that the media When you assume this role, you do not only present perceptions, but at the same time reflect the beliefs of society about those perceptions.
 The study comes as a scientific effort that monitors these variables. The media in the formation of trends and images among the recipient audience, after more than a year has passed since the first of the five revolutions, which is called in the media the term Arab Spring revolutions, a period sufficient to form mature mental trends and images.
